Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mom and Daughter Self Defense Practice

            Rebecca had a problem. At 37 years old, Rebecca was still a lovely woman with a nice shape.
She always drew the eyes of men both young and old, mainly because she always wore short skirts
to work and VERY high heels. This was part of her problem. Men were always too eager to touch
her 'accidentally' or try to force themselves on her. To this end, Rebecca had been taking
self-defense classes recently and was becoming quite adept at stopping unwanted advances. The
other part of Rebecca's problem, was that her 16 year old daughter, Jenny, was also experiencing
similar advances from men. Jenny was slimmer than her mother but had inherited her mother's nice
shape and legs. Rebecca was upset, hoping to enroll her daughter in the same self-defense class
that she was taking only to find they were closing shop. Apparently the use of live male models
that didn't use padding in the target areas left the class without too many volunteers to practice
on. She had investigated other classes only to find them woefully inadequate. Practicing on a man
with protective padding everywhere just didn't feel the same as working over the 'real thing'.

Rebecca had suddenly hit upon the idea that would solve all of her problems. She called her daughter,
Jenny, and told her to come over to practice the self-defense stuff she had told her about. When Jenny
asked how this was to be accomplished, Pat told her and both women laughed.

Jeff was 20 years old and rather slim and slight of build. He walked into his mother's house expecting
to find her alone, and instead finding his sister there with his mother. Patricia and Jenny looked at him
strangely. They were both looking very hot though. Both women were dressed in identical outfits, matching
tight T-shirts with no bra and daisy duke shorts. They were both barefoot. Jeff started to get hard in his
jeans, which was not easy to do considering they were very tight. So tight in fact that you could see
the outline of his testicles at the bottom of his jeans where his legs met. They were big balls, too. The
size of lemons, so they were hard to miss. Rebecca called her son over to the sofa where they sat and
told... TOLD... her son exactly what they needed him for and left him little room to say no.

"Now Jeff, Jenny needs to be taught to defend herself from men and I'm going to show her my self-defense
moves. We're going to practice on YOU. No padding or protection is allowed to be worn and if you make any
attempt to harm either of us or refuse to go along you'll get it a lot worse." Jeff could tell she meant it
and figured what the heck, how bad could it be?

"Alright, Mom, I'll let you both use me. How much could it hurt, right?" Both women looked at each other
and grinned. They positioned Jeff in front of them, and Rebecca eyed her son's lemon-sized nuts eagerly.

"Jenny, this is your first lesson... and yours too, Jeff." Suddenly Rebecca slammed her instep into her
son's unprotected balls. She could see them try to escape her crushing kick by moving to either side of
her foot. But his balls were too big and too tightly packaged in his jeans to move safely out of the way.
Jeff's hands shot protectively to his groin but his mother's foot was still planted firmly in his ballbag,
so his hands could do nothing more than gently cup the underside of her lovely size 8.5 foot.

It almost looked to Rebecca as if her son were holding her foot there on purpose, as if to say 'thank
you for this gift, mother, I wish your foot could always be here crushing my manhood'. It even felt good
to her, having her son's hands gently caressing her soft sole as her foot nuzzled warmly in his scrotum,
so she left her foot there and balanced on one leg. She finally looked up into her son's eyes and saw the
look of shock on his face. Shock not just from the blow or the fact that she had kicked him 'down there',
but shock because he couldn't believe she was smiling at his predicament and agony. Then Jeff's mouth

At first no sound came out, but then Rebecca could hear a very soft vibrating soprano wail escape his
lips, not louder than a whisper. It was like he was singing to her; a soft lullaby kind of tune that
he couldn't remember the words too so he just hummed the melody. Then he was able to form the word
'mommy', and continued to repeat it over and over again in a high-pitched voice. Rebecca wondered at
this. Did all guys cry mommy when hit sufficiently hard in the balls, just like the instructor's son?
There was certain symmetry in all this. Her foot crushing her son's big balls, yet him tenderly stroking
her foot and singing to her and then acknowledging her role as 'mommy'. She wondered if her son saw the
art in all of it and decided no. His situation didn't leave much room for philosophy, or any other form
of rational thought and all of this symmetry was wasted on him. Pat was brought out of her fantasy by
her daughter's voice.

"WHAM!!! Look at how compressed those balls are!!" Jenny poked her fingernail into her brother's balls,
his mother's foot still crushing them up into his pelvis. Rebecca shook her head out of the clouds and
finally lowered her foot from Jeff's balls. Apparently her foot was all that was supporting him as he
fell to the ground moaning and clutching himself, his legs drawn up to his chest.

"Shit, Mom, I've never seen a guy kicked so hard or so perfect in the nuts before in my life! I don't
think big brother's gonna be having kids anytime soon!" Jenny laughed. Rebecca smiled at her daughter's
comical remarks.

"The balls are the best target on a man. Look at the way your brother is curled up on the floor. He
can't defend himself at all anymore. The only thing going through Jeff's mind right now is that his
balls hurt and he wants the pain that my foot caused him to stop."

"Can I give that kick a try?" Jeff whimpered a bit louder upon hearing his sister's request.

"Sure." Rebecca hauled her son to his feet and held him up by threading her arms under his armpits.
She watched over Jeff's shoulder as Jenny kicked her brother's legs apart to give her a good shot at
the testicles. Jenny flexed her right foot, cracking the bones in her toes and eyeing up her targets.
She couldn't help but admire how huge they were. She had never seen nuts as large as her brothers and
was going to take great pleasure in busting them.

"This is gonna hurt SO good!" Jenny drew her leg back in imitation of her mother and waited for Jeff
to make eye contact with her. It was important to her for her brother to see the look on her face as
her foot smashed his balls. When he did finally look up, Jenny kicked forward and busted his eggs up
against his body. Unlike her mother, who found the act of kicking balls to be a sort of art form or
comment on society, Jenny found the act of crunching nuts to be just plain funny. The funny noises
her brother was now making and his crossed eyes were just hilarious. Jenny laughed long and hard,
asking her brother if he was going to sing in soprano now, or if he could taste his balls in his
throat. It was a good joke.

Jeff started to slide to the ground again but was stopped by his mother's hand sneaking around to
the front of his pants. She gripped his right nut in her hand, through his pants. The large ball
almost filled her entire small hand. She squeezed... HARD, and dragged him upright. Her son's eyes
bulged out of their sockets as her crotch-crushing grip was threatening to burst his plum.

"Jenny, grab the other nut and squeeze. Pretend it's a stress ball." Jenny did as instructed and
delighted in her brother's whimpers. It was like playing a musical instrument. The harder she squeezed,
the higher pitched the noise. She bet she could play a whole tune just by mangling his balls and
alternating the pressure she was exerting on his tender cherries. Jenny had an idea.

"Mom, let's play tug-o-war!" Rebecca nodded and smiled and both women started to pull their ball in
opposite directions, each squeezing their nut trying to get a better grip and more leverage. Jeff
thought his balls would be pulled out of their respective sockets but finally he fell onto the floor
in the direction of his sister.

"I win!" yelled Jenny. Jeff was weeping openly and clutched at his groin. His balls were even larger
now, having swollen from all the abuse his mother and sister were dishing out. His mother dragged him
to his feet easily since he couldn't put up much of a fight.

"Look at his balls, Jenny. They're starting to swell nicely."

"Yeah! They look real uncomfortable in those tight pants!"

"That means we've got his balls right where we want them. This move will finish him off, but I'll
leave something for you to get a shot in. Oh I love it when the balls get trapped in tight pants!"
Rebecca left her son standing unsteadily on his feet with his legs spread slightly and his hands at
his sides. He looked at his mom pleadingly.

"Please... mom... please..."

"You don't have to ask so nicely, Jeff. Of course I'll oblige. Watch closely Jenny." Jeff was obviously
asking for his mother to stop but she thought it amusing to pretend he was asking for more. Rebecca
turned so her back was to her son and looked behind her to judge the distance accurately.

"This is my FAVORITE nut-crunching move! Your brother will never be the same after this!" Rebecca then
did a back kick up into her son's balls. Her smooth soft heel connected dead on with his left nut with
as much force as her strong legs could muster.


Jeff blacked out

Jeff woke up several hours later to find that bpth of his nuts were still intact and were going to both
get a lot more abuse from his loving mother and sister.

To be continued...


  1. Mmmmm dame my balls need busted. Any ladies want to kick my nuts. Kik me cowboy4174.

  2. Milkman I've been raping girls and the court told me that I had to find a woman to pop and torture my whole package before you pop them if there is any woman who are against rapists let me know I have to get it done asap

  3. How dare you do that! I would love to pop your silly rapist balls, I'll turn them both to mush!

    I'm only a 12 year old girl and even I know you need them crushed!

    1. Hey Katie, please play with my balls, whatever you want just go ahead

  4. When I was younger, my friend Kathy loved kicking my balls. It got to where I expected to be kicked several times a week. I especially liked it when we would be skinny dipping with friends, and they would see me take a few good kicks to the balls. That was the beginning of my love for CBT, and I now have several men and women who enjoy abusing my balls.

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